MAY 18, 2024 @ 4PM
CHAIR - Robin JoyCO-CHAIR - Cindy GitchellTREASURER - Lugene WilliamsSECRETARY - Lyne Roglieri
The following items were discussed:
1. Meeting minutes were read from the last meeting of 2023.
2. Flower Boxes : Robin noted that the pole at the entrance on the west side of the lake will be removed and a new flower trough will be placed. The 3 bucket flower pots will be relocated to the Deer Lake Club House. Friends of the lake voted on this and approved this decision. Gary and Stewart will go and get the additional trough and dirt to fill it. Marlen, Kris, & Marsha will take care of buying the flowers and planting them. A $400.00 budget was allocated for this project.
3.A discussion regarding lights down at the dam determined that Sign Post lights will be investigated. Lyne indicated that she was against any kind of flood light to illuminate the entrance at night.
4.The Rummage/Bake Sale is tentatively being scheduled for July 26th -27th. It will be brought to the DLA Board to verify the club house is available.
5. The Potluck dinner after the May 26th Board Meeting will not be hosted by the Friends of the Lake, and the website has been corrected.
6. Friends of the Lake will get the clubhouse set up with Bottled water and soda that can be purchased at Clubhouse events. Cindy volunteered to pick this up at her next shopping trip.
7. Pancake Breakfast is tentatively scheduled for June15 @ 8am -11 am. It will mimic the breakfast that was scheduled in the fall 2023 but had to be cancelled due to multiple family sicknesses. Please Speak with Robin Joy for additional information.
8. Street Signs were discussed. This will be the big project for the group this year. Robin bought a sample sign for her house from Amazon. Originally Robin indicated that we would only replace signs along the two main roads Mountain View Dr, and Deer Lake Rd.,but after looking at a map it appears that this would only leave out a couple side streets so they were added to the list as well. Cindy will get the official list of roads from Dale who is incharge of the roads for DLA . The project will require the following:
- Inspect the existing 4X4 Posts for Rot - We will ask DLA Board to do this task
- Replace any rotted post with new posts - This will also be done thru DLA, as well as temporary signage until the new signs can be installed .
- Paint all posts and install signs. This task will need to be done in phases since we will be painting over the existing street sign and a new sign will need to be installed the same day.
- Install new signs. It became apparent after our discussions that the signs from amazon will not work without different hardware to mount them, so additional investigating will be conducted for different signs which are applicable to the posts we already have and further discussion regarding signs at the next meeting.
Friends of the Lake Secretary

All Minutes approved at the subsequent board meeting: